Welcome To​

Random Elements​


Random elements…​

This blog explores a wide range of seemingly incongruous subjects, all of which share the common variable that they are of interest to me and I consider them to be worthy of some thought. I have often not yet reached a final conclusion, rather it is work in progress borne of trying to clarify my thoughts and not wanting to do so alone.

Please treat my fallibility with kindness as opposed to anger or frustration. I’m focusing on the journey as opposed to a fixed end point (which is often swayed by the passage of time and events).

Who I am is truly of no consequence. Whilst my thoughts and interests are invariably shaped by personal experience (to which I may refer in the abstract), I have no professional or academic standing and am of little consequence as an individual. Hopefully the ideas may sell themselves, and if not, they are possibly to be discarded in favour of something better. Recommendations are always much appreciated!

The following are just a smattering of what is to come:

A different take on the productivity puzzle

Many speculate on why, in the UK particularly, productivity has stagnated over the last 2 decades (at least). Lack of investment and automation are often touted as possible reasons. Could this argument be flipped?

About Care

Many of the discussions around care seem to ignore crucial assumptions, such as that those already caring for the young and elderly can and will be able to pick up the slack, and that people are not receiving the right care simply because of a lack of funds.

Why business analysis doesn’t work (and why that matters)

People should define systems to benefit of the stakeholders and the end user (controversial?), but such objectives often get distorted along the way. As we look to layer A.I. on top of automated processes, the quality of the systems and processes underpinning all this start to really matter.

“People will always seek to know or understand things – it is a necessary precondition to feeling fulfilled”.

A confection of posts:

Random elements..

about Care

Some thoughts about what doesn’t work and what just might, drawing on personal experience and hopefully much more.

the Arts…

Serendipity dictates what I find and therefore can write about. I fear there is always so much more..
I’m also swung by an interest in teaching English as a foreign language, so I invariably look for materials that start, as opposed to complete a discussion.

The Productivity Puzzle

A number of different shortish posts to try and make a rather dense discussion more accessible. Hopefully, it offers the opportunity to dismiss one part whilst leaving another on the table, so to speak.

Or just explore and see what you find..